What do we really know about Traffic Robo?

What is it? 

This software is currently brand new, and still to be launched this coming week. Monday 1st April 2013. So theirs is most certainly a lot of buzz around Traffic Robo has, the creators Adeel chowdhry and Vince Black, are behind the launch and development of this software. So if you’re not familiar with Adeel chowdhry, where have you been hiding? Adeel Chowdhry is a very well known and respected online entrepreneur/marketer. He is well known to deliver reliable and solid products/soft wares.

Now as the software is still about to launched. I have been one of the selected individuals to test out this software. So this information is exclusive, I guarantee you it. I’m not going to tell you how amazing this is or hype it up to the extreme as they would be dishonest, and you would know instantly it was all done for the purposes of trying to sell, right? I guessed so, so on this review, it’s going to honest and I will share with you my findings and how it really is, so then you can go ahead and make an informed decision.

Now, from the get go, there software is authentic and doesn’t come with all these false claims of making millions in a blink of an eye, as you would generally see with new products coming out. The traffic Robo software is a smartly designs program to enable the user to create such campaigns to ultimately branch out and dominate search engine optimization.

It’s fair to say, with all this Google and search engine changes, it’s important to improve our own strategies to say on top and escape the clutches of the Google Seo zoo animals who keep taking pieces out of your own online businesses, so we need to find new ethical and white hat methods of staying on top and avoiding the clutches of being eaten by the Google penguin or bamboo eating panda, you get the idea and that where Traffic Robo comes in to the equation.

Now the smartly designed software will enable the user to harness free targeted traffic. Traffic is essential to anyone in order to run. Without traffic, you are just an empty shell.

With Traffic Robo , you can expect you site ranked highly within 24hours, Will enable your product website or affiliate offers go viral. So already a lot of boxes are being ticked. The software is designed to enable maximum exposure of whatever you are promoting.

 Now the way the back-linking design of this software is, restricted but they have designed the method in such a manner, it sets out to achieve what is says it will do. There is certainly no doubt about that incredible fact .Traffic Robo  software will smartly convert your campaign into Audio, video, ppt, pdf, all files will convert all your article texts into all those formats – It’s all automated – audio,mp3, video, ppt –slides, and pdf. This will then automatically launch them on only the best high ranking directories.

This in turn will dramatically change your poor ranking website to a high ranked page in the search engine, well under 24 hours. This certainly isn’t a magic lamp you rub and you rank, this is highly genuinely designed powerful software to cut out any tedious work and do all the hard submissions and conversion into so many formats. The only part you really have to do is, enjoy and reap the benefits of having a high ranking page in the search engines, yes not such Google but all search engines.

Traffic Robo will work wonders, and you need to make sure you implement yourself into the software and not expect miracles to happen without you lifting a finger. So if you follow the tutorial videos, but the software is pretty straight forward, then you can expect to see real overnight changes. This way they designed the interface and the software, looks quite amazing to look at, and the functions are user friendly and simple to use if you’re a total newbie or an online pro.

When using the software, I had a few questions, but I did do something naughty, I purposely messaged the developers of Traffic Robo in order to see how well they respond. As I don’t know about you guys, but ive had times ive spent money of software and when needing help, I never for any replies from support or took days, so from a lot of my clients, this is an important thing to address. The individuals behind this are not dishonest, eager to address any queries or questions I had.

So from that point of view, I was pleased to know that there are still honest software developers out there. Not just there to make a quick buck. Not that you will need this, there is a guarantee on this software, so essentially you can trial it for free and if your not happy with your site ranking high, and cant deal with all that money coming in, then send it to me, ill be happy to spend your money.

No but in all seriousness as the guarantee is there you can trial it for free and if not satisfied, just get a refund which is a win win situation.

I Have been very honest in this traffic robo review and hope I have addressed key issues here. I would say take action now, Get access to the software as with the guarantee you can use it free, A real no brainer! Here’s Some PROOF


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