среда, 3 апреля 2013 г.

Traffic Robo – What is it?

SO what exactly is this software and how does it gets me traffic? – Allow me to explain.

The software itself is a very clever SEO tool that allows us to build four different types of backlinks which are -

  • PowerPoint presentations – Converts your content into a PPT presentation to be uploaded to powerpoint sharing sites
  • PDF documents – Converts your content into PDF files that get uploaded to sharing sites
  • Audio files (converts your documents into a speech file)
  • Videos – Creates a video and uploads to various video sharing sites

As you can see, this allows us to change up our link diversity which will benefit are SEO efforts as we will have a diverse backlink profile.

The Traffic Robo software converts your content into all four of the file types I listed above. Once converted it will then upload your content to sharing sites – each upload counting as a unique backlink to your website (or you can blast them straight to your affiliate link).

I recommend you point the backlinks to your website/affiliate site as pointing them directly at your affiliate link is pointless.

The base purchase allows you to convert and upload your files to the site boxdotcom – however if you purchase the up-sell (recommended) you can upload your content to 26 new directories (meaning 26 unique backlinks  and a varied link profile)

Below is a screenshot of some of the new directories you can upload should you purchase the upgrade  -

Remember – most reviews will not be upfront when it comes to up-sells etc. I decided to include this into the review as I really think to get the most power out of the software you need to get the up-sell – but that’s just my opinion and is not required to see success.

Traffic Robo Review – Conclusion & Verdict

The base software can be purchased for just $39. This gives you the ability to create and convert your content to the relevant file type then upload it to the sharing site Box. It saves tons of time and easily gets you a few extra DIFFERENT backlinks to diversify your link profile. To take things to the next level, upgrade to the “Robo submitter” up-sell that allows you to go all out and blast your content ALL OVER the internet creating an additional 26 backlinks whenever you need them.

What are the up-sells and how much do they cost

  1. Robo Submitter (Recommended) – $197 / Downsell – $97
  2. Robo Extreme – Allows you to send your content to viral sites like FaceBook and Twitter (this gets you social votes and helps with SEO) – $295 / Downsell – $95
Remember these are not “silly courses” these are SEO tools – and VERY powerful tools at that. These should be considered as an INVESTMENT not a purchase. Internet marketers will ALWAYS require SEO tools – this is a easy and CHEAP way to get a powerful SEO tool added to your arsenal at a discounted price. Remember, although I recommend the upgrades they are NOT required.

As I mentioned above – most reviews are to “scared” to talk about up-sell prices, however I am 100% upfront with costs involved. Hope you can benefit from this approach.

Pro’s and Con’s


  • Very powerful tool – when used by the right marketer get ready to enjoy some super easy rankings!
  • Allows you to diversify your link profile
  • Relatively cheap when compared to similar SEO tools


  • To get the full benefit of the software you will need to get the up-sell. However once you upgrade this is a brilliant tool

My Traffic Robo Review!
